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Общественное движение в России в 30-50 годы 19 века.

Общественное движение в России в 30-50 годы XIX века.

Поражение декабристов и усиление полицейско-репрессивной политики правительства не только не привели к спаду общественного движения, а только усилило его. Началось разделение трех идейных направлений.

1.      Консервативное самодержавно-охранительное. Теория официальной народности.

( Уваров, Греч, Погодин, Булгарин).

2.      Либеральное. Славянофилы. (Хомяков, Самарин, И.С. и К.С. Аксаковы)

                               Западники  (Грановский, Соловьев, Кавелин, Боткин,Тургенев.)

3.      Революционно-социалистическое. Кружки 20-40 годов. Русский утопический социализм. (Герцен, Огарев, Бакунин).

Консервативное направление.

Консерватизм в России опирался на теории, доказывающие незыблемость самодержавия и крепостного права. Они считали, что самодержавие это издревле присущая форма политической власти России. Карамзин писал, что необходимо сохранить мудрое самодержавие. Для идеологического обоснования самодержавия министр народного просвещения граф Уваров создал теорию официальной народности. Три её принципа – самодержавие, православие, народность. Идея единения государя и народа, отсутствие между ними противоречий, и признание самодержавия единственно возможной властью для России. Крепостное право рассматривалось как благо для государства – помещики осуществляют отеческую заботу о крестьянах, поддерживают порядок в деревне. Дворянство – опора самодержавия. Православие – как присущая русскому народу глубокая религиозность. Из этого следовало – нет необходимости в социальных преобразованиях.


Либеральное направление.

Остро критиковал теорию официальной народности П.Я. Чаадаев. Его «Философические письма» опубликовал журнал «Телескоп» в 1836 году. Он видел прогресс России в использовании европейского опыта, в духовной свободе.


В 30-40 годах складываются два идейных течения



Россия имеет свой особый путь развития, отличный от Запада. Петр  I разрушил естественный ход истории. Допускали сохранение самодержавия, но народ имеет право на выражение своего мнения, которое доводится до царя совещательным Земским собором. Признавали необходимость развития промышленности. Считали капитализм порочным. Считали нравственной религией – православие. Подчеркивали дух коллективизма в России.

Россия должна развиваться в русла европейской цивилизации. Петр I сблизил Россию и Европу. Считали возможной конституционную монархию. Отрицали особую роль крестьянской общины, считали её навязанной для удобства сбора налогов и управления. Выступали за просвещение народа.

 О Б Щ Е Е :  необходимость изменений,  отмена крепостного права, надежда на мирный характер преобразований.

З Н А Ч Е Н И Е: заложили основу либерально-реформистского направления в общественном движении.


Радикальное направление.

Революционные и просветительские кружки 20-40 годов.

Кружки братьев Критских, Сунгурова и др.

Москва, университет


Всего 6 человек, не выросли в организацию

Обсуждали внутреннюю политику, строили наивные планы реформирования. Попытка продолжения декабристской идеологии, мысли о цареубийстве.

Жестокая расправа с членами кружка.

Литературное общество 11 нумера.

 Москва, 1830-32.


Обсуждение проблем России, чтение литературы

Кружок Станкевича.

1831-39, Москва.

Станкевич, Аксаков, Грановский, Бакунин

Изучали философию Шеллинга, Канта, Гегеля. Осуждали крепостничество. Насилия не допускалось, считали важным просвещение. Кружок распался.

Кружок Герцена и Огарева.

1831-34, Москва.

Герцен, Огарев, Савин, Сазонов.

Изучали идеи французских просветителей. Следили за революционными событиями на Западе. Полиция раскрыла кружок, ссылка, надзор полиции за членами.


1845-49. Москва, Петербург, Киев, Ростов.

Буташевич-Петрашевский, Салтыков-Щедрин, Достоевский, Плещеев.и др.

Обсуждали проблемы России, Выступали против крепостничества и самодержавия. Пропаганда революционных идей, демократии.

Кружок раскрыт, приговорены к расстрелу, в последнюю минуту  расстрел заменили каторгой.

Кирилло-Мефодиевское общество,1845-47. Украина

Шевченко, Костомаров, Гулак.

Демократия, славянская республика, ликвидация крепостничества – основные идеи. Общество раскрыто.



В целом это было время «наружного рабства» и «внутреннего освобождения». Основные идеи и направления продолжали развиваться во второй половине 19 века.


Источник: http://Учебная литература
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: rushistory (12.12.2007) | Автор: Татаренко Л.Ю. E
Просмотров: 35536 | Комментарии: 252 | Рейтинг: 4.7/20
Всего комментариев: 481 2 3 4 5 »
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41 PatrickJodia  
Looking for a car can take a long time. There are many cars you can look at, together with a few factors to consider. Thus, you will need solid data to ensure the process to get smooth. Keep these tips in your mind when creating an investment.

Don't forget to examine the price of parts to get a vehicle before you purchase it. Some cars, especially imports, cost considerably more to maintain as opposed to others. Investigate the fee for parts that wear out frequently, including tires, brakes, and windshield wiper blades. Research the expense of alternators, spark plugs, as well as other engine components, too.

Have got a clear understanding of what those upgrades costs. Getting the fancy stereo, leather seats and DVD player might be appealing, but those options may add a substantial add up to the buying price of your automobile. Take some time to contemplate exactly how much you actually need the upgrades, and just get the ones you may make use of the most.

Will not have the mistake of believing you need to pay the full asking price for the second hand car. There ought to always be room for negotiation. if your car continues to be in the marketplace for quite a while with no buyers http://sosnowiecskupaut.ovh - sosnowiecskupaut.ovh, that can make the seller prone to accept a deal of lower than they can be asking for.

Use a budget in mind before heading car shopping. This requires assessing your monthly income and bills, and achieving a precise idea of how much you can really afford to enhance those. Doing this will help to stay in budget when you help make your new car purchase.

Search for your brand-new car online before you decide to ever visit a dealership. Doing a search online lets you look at inventory from multiple dealerships, and it making you privy to specifics of online only pricing. This can be a great way to comparison shop and incredibly ensure you are getting the best deal.

Don't get a car online from someone without going and checking it all out first. In case you are not mechanically inclined, bring somebody that is. Also be wary of deals that appear too good to be true. Men and women will benefit from you if you're not good with cars, so make an effort to bring along someone who is aware of them.

Test drive several car before you purchase it. Any new car will almost certainly feel fantastic if you're employed to driving a classic one. Think seriously regarding how the ride feels, where buttons can be found, and how much of the road it is possible to see. Test-driving multiple car can help you realize where you wish to be.

Don't enable the salesperson know you do have a trade in until you have a firm sales price in hand. Some dealers will inflate the price when they think you're trading in a vehicle, to allow them to provide you with a lot for the trade in, which is, then balanced with the new price they give in the car they're selling.

Look at exactly how much repairs over a car would cost before buying it. You must be able to obtain a fair idea of what types of costs you should purchase repairs. And that's not just for when it is under warranty. What happens when you have to pay full price to have an ignition coil? Different cars cost different amounts, so learn.

Read before you sign. You could be getting into some serious trouble if you're on the market blindly signing money away. Your signature binds you legally, meaning you'll need to pay or suffer severe consequences. You could take it home together with you to see it. Should your salesman fails to want to let you take the contract home, there is certainly more than likely some hidden clause they generally do not want you to discover more about.

Investigate the laws where you live when it comes to getting a bad car. There are some states which may have lemon laws. They will protect you against buying a car that isn't in great condition and being unable to obtain a refund. Not all state has these laws, which is the reason it is recommended to do your research.

A licensed used vehicle is not going to guarantee that this vehicle is at good shape. This is just a brand new means for car dealers to trick people into thinking that they are guaranteed a high quality used vehicle. Tend not to be enticed by it. Research certified vehicles just like you will any other to totally protect yourself.

If you are planning to get an automobile, you must know around you can prior to actually do it. Utilize these guidelines to drive away in something you're happy in. They ought to help you in making the best possible decision in your car purchase.

40 EdwardoVof  
In life, getting what you would like commences with some knowledge. You have to absorb exactly what the experts give you on the topic. Car shopping requires the same research, and this information has every one of the suggestions you need to make purchasing a car a walk, http://autoskupkatowice.ovh - autoskupkatowice.ovh/ within the park.

Never choose the set cost of a car when you're car shopping. Usually people price things realizing that they'll have to lower it when the buyer gets there. Should you be paying with cash, it doesn't hurt to know them that either. Folks that see a lot of cash are more likely to allow it to go for less.

Never invest in a car on the first purchase towards the showroom. Every car dealer will try to get you to walk out with a new group of keys at hand. While this can be tempting, recognize that this is a big purchase. Take some time looking around and make sure the deal you're available is really the best one for you.

Search the world wide web for great deals. Doing a bit of online research could lead to major savings. If you locate the model you need, it is possible to visit the dealer directly or use a local dealer bring the auto to you. When the dealership is close by, try gonna spend less money.

When buying a fresh car, take a look at reviews of the vehicle on the web before visiting the dealer. If individuals have had bad experiences together with the car you are thinking about buying, you may want to go with a different one. Most new car financing are for 6 years and you do not wish to have troubles with the vehicle because time period.

If you know you are easily convinced by salespeople, you must not go looking for a new car on your own. Ask a family member or friend into the future along with you and assist you in making the proper decision. Permit the person with do you know what you desire out from a car before seeing a car lot.

When you are paying a high payment over a luxury vehicle right now, will not take that car together with you. Should you do, the salesperson will not take any low provides have.

Look out for the car salesman who provides you with a value on the car before he visits his sales manager. The salesman can tell you anything you want to hear, only the manager can approve the offer. Ask to speak for the manager one on one and see the deal in writing before investing in get the car.

Set a spending budget and stick to it when looking for a vehicle. It may be hard to stick to a financial budget when you discover a car that you really want, but there is nothing good about an impulse buy. Figure out what you can afford before you begin looking in order that you usually do not hurt your wallet.

Never buy a car the same day that you just discover it. A principle is usually to sleep about the decision. This way you might have time to take into account the pros and cons of your car and the way much you think the auto is for you. Will not worry how the car will probably be sold for the time being because there are a lot more available.

Work with your credit score before you purchase an auto. A poor credit rating means higher interest fees. That will result in a greater monthly car bill. And in some cases, that will result in higher premiums for automobile insurance. Obtain your credit to be able so you aren't locked into high fees for that life of your car or truck loan.

As soon as you simply how much you have to spend, find out about the cars within that range. Read about the car itself, its mpg, variety of doors, trunk space, driver's reviews, safety record and exactly how frequently it needs repairs generally. Assign each a rating and select those near the top of their list.

Be on the lookout for year end specials. These specials generally begin in the 4th quarter of each year and have manufacturer set deals that remain unrivaled when compared with other deals in. These deals exist as a result of new year and new model year, which suggests newer cars utilizing the place of older ones.

While purchasing a second hand car often is a great deal, don't forget it carries some real risk. While you might be happy with the $5,000, you saved, if you want to invest in a new engine in half a year, you undoubtedly haven't saved anything. Always be cautious when selecting used.

Using this type of knowledge in your mind which article with your hand, you'll be prepared for anything the salesperson throws at you. You will understand what you wish and how to have it, and that gives you the strength. The next thing is to get the lot you want to visit and take it over along with your confidence.

39 OscarGor  
Car shopping is one thing that most people have to do at some time in their lives. The ability can be quite a great one, or it might be quite stressful. The following article contains ideas you can utilize while you are car shopping and want to get the most from the ability http://www.skup-aut-katowice.ovh - www.skup-aut-katowice.ovh.
Never choose the set price of a car when you're car shopping. Usually people price things realizing that they'll have to lower it as soon as the buyer gets there. Should you be paying with cash, it doesn't hurt to share with them that either. Folks that see a lot of cash are more inclined to permit it to opt for less.
Before beginning your automobile shopping journey map out just how much of the payment within your budget. Take time to write down a spending budget and discover what amount of cash is left over on a monthly basis. In this way a step, you may avoid entering into a situation the place you put an economic strain on your financial allowance.
Don't forget to examine the cost of parts for the vehicle before you purchase it. Some cars, especially imports, cost significantly more to keep up than others. Investigate the expense of parts that wear out frequently, including tires, brakes, and windshield wiper blades. Research the price of alternators, spark plugs, and other engine components, too.
When you are looking for a pre-owned car, you should always get a CarFax report. The CarFax report will let you know when the car has been in a crash. If the car has been doing an accident, you almost certainly desire to keep searching and not buy that car.
Think ahead when you are planning on building a car purchase. Do not create the mistake of getting a car without considering whether it could be practical for future use. Investing in a sports vehicle will never make much sense if you are intending to get a family anytime in the future.
When you shop for cars, reserve sufficient time to have the process completed. You'll need lots of time to dedicate to shopping in order to prevent a rushed deal. You must let yourself have several hours to determine. Should you be pressed for time, you need to leave and return the following day.
Usually do not pay for lots of extras when you find yourself buying a car. Sure, it might be nice to get a lot of fun features with your new car, but do you actually need them? Every toy or gadget you add jacks up the cost of the vehicle considerably. Figure out what you really want, and just adhere to that.
Be aggressive and assertive. You can expect to inevitably turn out negotiating the buying price of your car, so don't forget to push just a little. Be ready to walk away from the dealership when you aren't making progress. Leave the offer alone for a couple of days, and after that contact the salesman again. If they already know that you are prepared to leave, they are very likely to accept your offer or counter-offer by using a more reasonable price.
You must not anticipate to necessarily leave from your dealership with a vehicle. You may be surprised to get how the vehicle you need is readily available from a private owner or small lot. Check classified ads online and go through newspapers for more information regarding the vehicles available in your area.
Should you be trading your car or truck in, bring it to your detail shop and enjoy the upholstery and carpets cleaned plus a wash and wax. Achieving this something normally can net you several hundred dollars or higher in trade-in value in comparison to a car that isn't clean.
As the dealership that you buy your vehicle through will offer financing, look into your choices. Have a loan quote from the bank or a credit union. Oftentimes, they are going to offer better rates than the dealership. This will assist you to bring those quote on the dealership's financial officer and negotiate a lesser rate.
Take time to discover the car you want before visiting the dealership. Read about the available choices for your car. Furthermore, research to learn what other consumers are purchasing that car with the options that you would like. By doing this, you can better be ready to receive the dealer to offer you the car for which it's worth.
You could buy a vehicle online, skipping the dealership and letting you avoid high-pressure sales tactics. This is even feasible for new cars on some lots, so shop around and discover the car you need. Obviously, you won't be able to take a test drive should you never go to the lot, though.
There are numerous steps you can take to make your car or truck shopping experience an optimistic one. Use the things you learned in this article to get the car of your dreams, all while coping with little stress. It can be possible to obtain a nice car and enjoy yourself doing it.

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